Project Charter

A Project Charter is made of

  1. Project Charter
    1. Project Purpose
    2. Project Goals
    3. Project Description
    4. Requirements
    5. Milestones
    6. Budget
    7. Assumptions
  2. Scope Statement
    1. Scope Highlights
    2. Project Objective
    3. Acceptance Criteria
    4. Key Deliverables
    5. Time and Cost Estimates
    6. Exclusion From Scope
    7. Constraints
  3. Work Breakdown Structure
    1. Major Deliverables
    2. Tasking
  4. Schedule
    1. Sequence Tasks
    2. Tasking Estimate
    3. Critical Path
    4. Milestones

Project Charter

A project charter signifies the initialization of a project.

Project Purpose

A project’s purpose is always, firstly, the purpose of A’s. The purpose which is described in a Project Charter defines the expected state of the system after the project is completed.

Project Goals

Project Goals should identify and inventory measurable qualities of end state.

Project Description

Use Project Description for narrative-based explanation and any further rounding out of the project definition. Description should include what pressures are leading to the desire for the project. Description should also include the existing measurements of the qualities which will be measured at ent state.